Friday, June 24, 2005

NY Times Discusses Foreign TA's

The NY Times did an article on how students are having a problem understanding foreign TA's in their classes. I experienced this as a Biology major at Rutgers. Even if you understand the words these TA's are saying, their cadences and phrasings are different then you're used to hearing. There's an extra layer of thought you have to go through to get to the knowledge you're trying to learn. This is just unacceptable when you're in these desperately competitive classes.
The TA's are saying students are just complaining but I think this is a pretty easy problem to analyze. Let's apply some of this science here. Just compare the scores of the students with American TA's to foreign TA's. You'll need some controls for the different schools, disciplines and such but it can be done. Is there a difference? If there is then this needs to be addressed. The schools seem to be putting their heads in the sand. Maybe they need to stop outsourcing these positions.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Crazy Eyes

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that in every picture the runaway bride takes she looks insane. I read she signed a half million dollar movie of the week deal. The town is still out about 35k of the 50k they spent on looking for her. (She reimbursed them about 10K or so already.) I suppose it's better than the 2.5 million spent on Michael Jackson's prosection and people are still wondering why their property taxes are so hi. I myself rent.

She's a little bit crazy. Posted by Hello