Saturday, November 27, 2004

I need an IPod.

In a shameless plug for myself I would ask anyone who happens to stumble onto this page looking for Gin Blossom or Halo 2 pics to go here and sign up for free credit card or something.

The deal is if you can get five people to sign up they send you a free IPod. My cousin Thomas got his last week so it's actually legit. Pretty neat.

It's actually pretty hard to get 5 people to sign up. People just lie to you and say they'll do it but they never do. I'll keep you updated if and when I actually get enough people.

Update: As I said, this is harder to do than it would seem. My own mother even lied to me this week. Looks like I may have to do without. =P

Saturday, November 06, 2004 Halo 2 sneakpeak.

I got to play Halo 2 in NYC last night. It was the finale of It was pretty fun although I don't know if it was worth the wait. The best part was watching people play from 4 location in the county on x-box live. It was fun to hear the crowd react to the game on the big screen. They gave away a lanyard and a DVD with the whole internet radio play. I was kinda hoping to score a t-shirt but they didn't produce any. Didn't raffle any games off either. =( They also banned cameras and phones with cameras. Crazy huh? I did manage to snap a few before the theater gustapo put an end to it.

Moviescreen multiplayer goodness. Posted by Hello

Before they got the online multilplayer game going the familiar X-Box live update screen made an appearance.

X-Box Live is updating =) Posted by Hello

When I finally got to play I got my butt kicked. I'm so used to PC first person shooter controls that I found it impossible to move around in Halo 2. I got to play some halo 1 this weekend to get my skills back up to speed. Then the other guy got a hold of the plasma sword and it was all over but the shouting. That thing is just brutal. Two on two deathmach was kinda lame. You spend half your time trying to find each other on a giant level. The big screen matches were much cooler. They were doing 8 player games. You could hear the people talking from around the country. It was pretty sweet. Game comes out midnight monday. Cheers.