Saturday, November 27, 2004

I need an IPod.

In a shameless plug for myself I would ask anyone who happens to stumble onto this page looking for Gin Blossom or Halo 2 pics to go here and sign up for free credit card or something.

The deal is if you can get five people to sign up they send you a free IPod. My cousin Thomas got his last week so it's actually legit. Pretty neat.

It's actually pretty hard to get 5 people to sign up. People just lie to you and say they'll do it but they never do. I'll keep you updated if and when I actually get enough people.

Update: As I said, this is harder to do than it would seem. My own mother even lied to me this week. Looks like I may have to do without. =P

1 comment:

Blonde Justice said...

Ok, I did it. Although, I did not actually sign up for a credit card, but I clicked on the links. So, hopefully that helps.

1/5 of an ipod? That's gotta be worth $3. Glad I could help. =)