Saturday, February 05, 2005

Nothing says 'love' like an iPod.

Nothing says 'love' like an iPod. Posted by Hello

Sure you just paid 6-10k for the ring, but now you have to come up with a unique way to give it to her. I gotta say, this is pretty hot. The nerd in me immediately swoons at the thought of an iPod initiated life together. Then again, I am a romantic.


Blonde Justice said...

Of course, it has to be filled with sweet or romantic songs too. Songs you danced to together, or concerts you saw together. Aaaww.

Devi0s said...

Feminists everywhere should take note of this article. Gone are the days where the man is expected to buy a ring and propose. Women everywhere should stand up and break through the stereotypes by buying me an iPod; skip the proposal.

Stopher said...

I'm a firm believer in buying the ring. If you can't make that kind of gesture at the begining of a relationship it's not gonna work out. I just think it's funny that now you have to come up with an entertainment gift too =P

Devi0s said...

I'm just bitter because my woman ain't gonna let me get away with a cheap ring. I'll get the ring but she damn well better get me an iPod or new snowboard or something...

Stopher said...

Well the problem is she want's the ring but she also want's it
delivered on her new iPod or in her new car.