Monday, June 07, 2004

Radio Star

My band recorded our first promotional cd this weekend. Hopefully we'll be comming to a wedding near you =). It was a fun experience. Our base player Paul's son JP did the recording. He has this insane home studio setup that probably cost more than 10 times what my car is worth?
Speaking of my car, the current plan is to fly to Texas where my father will assist me in obtaining a new one. He's the one who's good at this stuff so I might as well let him help me.
I spent Sunday night with Kenny watching the final Sopranos of the season and eating giant sandwiches. They're not even going to start filming the next season until next April or May. I'm gonna have to sate myself with old West Wing episodes on Bravo. Is it just me or does TV just suck nowadays? There are so few good shows.

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